Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's really about listening

Sometimes life gives us signs we just don't want to see. This is how it was when I went to meet a friend met over the internet a few months ago: she was really into medicine, really decided to go for it, really over 29 and I said 'yeah, I'm not the only one over....some age now that chooses medicine'. I'm not the only crazy doing it. Or at least thinking about doing it...

But this is a long story, want to write more in detail about it - but I just realized that is more important to life now in this moment when I'm at my b/f's house than to type some skinny words in here. I mean, I can do this tomorrow when he's at work. :-) This is just a note to remaind me I need to write about this friend, about our visit to the faculty of medicine and how it was...

Note: I've met with my friend on Feb 23th.

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