Thursday, October 2, 2014

21 SECRETS is up and running

One of my quick watercolor faces I did in my mini-art journal ;) 

Yesterday I unwrapped 21 Secrets e-book and watched some of the videos! My first pick? Dion Dior! She is a great artist and the videos are so much worth every penny!

I was familiar with many of the techniques presented there, but viewing those only made me want to paint more and reinforced what I already knew deep inside: we are all unique creators, and we can unfold so beautiful to release the wonder inside each and every one of us!

I wanted to have 21 secrets FALL 2014 to learn new tips and tricks, but also to support the amazing artists and their creative flow.

Also, I would love to win a LIFE BOOK 2015 free spot because I find LIFE BOOK even more exciting!

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